The top controversial topic of political science and its influence on global politics

Covid- 19 And It’s Impact On Global Politics

The world has faced many challenges since 2020. No nation was spared from the morbid clutches of the Covid- 19 pandemic which has given rise to several controversial issues in almost every sphere of human life- social, political, educational, economic as well as crises related to national security. However, these issues were more challenging for the world leaders. The citizens and businesses across the globe are expecting aids from their government leaders to assist them to steer and turn out to be stronger from the present large-scale calamities. Most shareholders have accepted that retracting to the ways things happened in 2019 is not a relevant alternative or even an objective. Still, a better future is expected ahead in 2022 after gaining practical lessons from the past recent years. Although the various challenges faced by the government are nearly universal, the way the eminent leaders are going to tackle them may differ significantly depending on the structure of the government as well as the ideology. Since the well-being of the global society is at stake right now, potential solutions are needed to be inclusive of all.

At present, the soaring levels of inequality both within and among the nations have significantly contributed to the adversity of the crises caused by the Covid- 19 pandemic creating remarkable geopolitical unrest. The social and the economic structures often aggravate inequality which thereafter intensifies societal polarisation as well as undermines national security. To rediscover a future that is more sustainable, the governments of all countries must address the major political issues that have emerged in recent years. Even, some of these concerns have given rise to several controversies across the world due to their deeper political impact.

The Various Current Political Controversies And Their Global Impacts

The Gun Control in the U.S.:

Gun violence has emerged as a heated controversial topic in the U.S.A. for several years. The mass shootings as well as the other actions related to gun violence in the U.S. have taken the lives of about forty thousand people each year. The gun control debate is strongly connected to the interpretations of the 2nd Amendment of the U.S. Constitution which declares that in a well-governed militia, the right of the citizens to keep as well as bear Arms will not be violated being indispensable to the safety of an independent state. The advocates oppose such laws that influence the peoples’ right to purchase and bear guns and support stricter laws on gun control. At present, the increasing pervasiveness of mass shootings has given rise to fierce controversies about the sale of assault rifles, the background checks for gun purchasers as well as the relation between gun brutality and mental illness.

The BLM movement:

The BLM (an acronym for Black Lives Matter) movement has been a major political movement as a protest against the ruthlessness of the police against the Black people in the U.S.. The movement started in response to the repeated incidents regarding enforcement of laws facing little or no legitimate repercussions for the forceful occurrences resulting in the loss of the lives of many Black people. Today, BLM has emerged as one of the influential massive movements in the history of the U.S. In 2020, millions of Americans joined the BLM demonstrations over the demise of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and other victims of police brutality. The supporters of BLM take police cruelty as a form of persecution against the Black persons, debating it as one of the symptoms of inequalities in judicial, legal, and socio-economic status whereas the critics believe that the BLM is nothing but an unfair condemnation of the enforcement of the law.

Food Insecurity:

It has been observed on a global level that if hunger does not kill children, acute malnutrition experienced at a very early age may result in long-lasting physical as well as mental damage. Food is considered an indispensable means for survival, ie, even more than just a meal. In the year 2021, the impacts of the global pandemic, the ongoing conflicts, and climate changes are rapidly aggravating food insecurity for innumerable families and children across the world.

The global crises of the refugees:

In 2021, more than about eighty million people across the globe were compelled to escape from their homes and native lands. Around half of these people were under 18 years of age. The main causes that led to this mass escape were widespread violence and conflicts. The families risk everything and undertake long and menacing journeys. Till now, mostly the children are getting severely affected who are got isolated from their parents, losing their access to healthcare and education, and becoming the victims of child labor and early marriage.

Communal war and conflicts:

Political conflicts have increased drastically over the recent past years. Terrorism and the emergence of religiously- inspired insurgent groups have compelled several governmental forces to take immediate measures. Although terrorism has increased, diplomacy and peace initiatives have reduced the frequency of civil wars and intra- state conflicts across the world at a rate of sixteen per 100,000 to about one per 100,000.

Need For Political Science Homework Help

Hence, there exist several political controversies at present that create a global impact. However, sometimes it becomes difficult for the students to sort out such issues and find solutions to their Political Science Homework solutions. At this juncture, Dream Homework of UAE provides one of the Best Political Homework Help to the students of colleges and universities. It has emerged as among the most trusted Political Science Homework Guidance Online offering customized and plagiarism-free homework solutions that assist the students to fetch better grades and submit their homework within deadlines.

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